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Israel - Page 5

Divestment is an Investment in Love, Peace, and Justice

Introduction The Presbyterian Church (USA) has been engaged in a decade-long struggle to divest from companies that are profiting from the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip. After an extensive corporate engagement process, the Committee

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Separation Wall Graffiti, Photo by Madison Munoz

Boycott the Gaza Invasion this Thanksgiving

19 mins read

How not to shop while they drop—bombs By Chris Iosso, General Editor of Unbound   The grim truth about Israel’s current bombing of Gaza is that the U.S. government will do very little to limit the one-sided collective punishment or correct the claims that this pre-election military campaign by the

rifat odeh kassis

A Word to the PC(USA) and the Course of Justice

18 mins read

On Divestment at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly By Rifat Odeh Kassis   Unbound welcomes this voice from Kairos Palestine as a means for widening and deepening the conversation around the appropriate measures to bring about peace and justice in Israel and Palestine. Unbound also welcomes further discussion

peace dove

Investment versus Boycott

10 mins read

Important Facts to Consider The following article is from Presbyterians for Middle East Peace. Unbound welcomes this voice on positive investment as a means for widening and deepening the conversation around the appropriate measures to bring about peace and justice in Israel and Palestine. Unbound also welcomes further discussion of


Endorse the Stolen Beauty Ahava Boycott

9 mins read

Invitation from CODEPINK Women for Peace   Email Stolen Beauty and request that your name be added to the boycott endorsement list   Dear Friends and Allies, We are writing to ask you to endorse the Stolen Beauty AHAVA boycott campaign. This boycott is directed against the Israeli company Ahava

robert ross

Boycotting and Divesting from Occupation

19 mins read

Confessions of an Occasional Presbyterian By Robert B. Ross, Pittsburgh, PA   Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine that I’d be sitting in front of a computer screen on a hot summer night watching the live video stream of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s General Assembly. But there


Was Justice Done?

10 mins read

Divestment & Boycott: A Question for Presbyterians, Methodists, Palestinians, and Christians the World Over Last week, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly voted overwhelmingly (457-180) to boycott products produced in the occupied Palestinian territories. However, that same Assembly voted (by the slim margin of 333-331, with 2 abstentions) against

caterpillar bulldozer

Funding the occupation is taking a side

7 mins read

A Message from Palestinian Christians By Joe Catron, in response to Unbound’s coverage of the divestment debate and in anticipation of the vote being taken later today by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 220th General Assembly   Opponents of divestment from Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard, and Motorola by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) have

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