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7 mins read

The emergence of Abya Yala theology signifies a shift in the theological discourse of Christianity on the continent. European Christian missionaries and soldiers who claimed to rule and control the land introduced Christianity more than five centuries ago. Although some consider this colonization process as a meeting of cultures, civilizations,



10 mins read

Women worldwide continue to be stigmatized, excluded, and discriminated against simply because of the lack of understanding of women’s natural body cycle. Unfortunately, menstruation is still considered unspeakable in polite conversation, society, or church. This has been made even more prescient in light of the recent shortages and price hikes


Sermon: 225th GA Presbyterian Church USA

12 mins read

To the Presbyterian Church USA, The General Assembly, and the coordinating committee, I offer my sincere thanks for this opportunity to share, worship, and reflect together. I pray that this message helps us to grow and continue on our journey to be the church we are called to be. Growing


Abya Yala Theology

10 mins read

Abya Yala theology assumes a contextual, historical, and ancestral reflection, which is the axis of our theological proposal. The name comes from the Guna language and means “land in full maturity and land of vital blood.” The Guna people inhabit the meeting points of the north and south geographically, to


A Legacy and Message “Truth to Power”

4 mins read

When we think back about Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and his word and legacy, it is impossible not to reflect on the “I Have a Dream” speech. However, his memory and prophetic voice go beyond this one speech and still resonate loudly today. Dr. King spoke truth to


Inclusive Communities: Hope for Women Living with HIV 

6 mins read

The number of women living with HIV increases every day as well as increases in discrimination, inequality, and impoverishment. The lack of inclusive communities that promote healthy coexistence impacts women's ability to navigate society after a positive diagnosis. As a community of faith, the church can and should provide support


Reflecting on Liberation Theology during a Global Pandemic

7 mins read

Over the past 15 months, most of the world has been radically transformed by COVID-19, which has killed more than 3.7 million people worldwide. The pandemic has uncovered the inequalities inherent in current systems in the United States and throughout the world. As we reflect on these situations,


Healing Trauma…Dismantle Racism

6 mins read

Trauma is a loaded word and scary at the same time because it obscures pains from the past that we wish to forget. However, despite our efforts to forget and move on, history continues to follow us in our lived experiences. How people interact and deal with the trauma is


Uncovering Indigenous Identities in the Latin American Community

7 mins read

As a result of a long European colonization process, indigenous people and their descendants in America have been forced to erase their identity, languages, and cultures. This identity struggle to fight for recognition has brought both trauma and pain. Indigenous people have been denied self-identification and self-determination, first under Spanish
