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Advent Justice Reflections (Year C)

This resource for worship or study is freely available for use and adaptation. Please remember to give us a shoutout! A Printing-friendly pdf of these reflections is available HERE (7 two-sided pages).  Note from the Editors Though Advent is a season

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Divine Particularity

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Along with the invitation to write this article about gender justice in the new PC(USA) hymnal, Glory to God, I received a list of relevant hymns. My first reaction was, “Wow, that is a whole lot of hymns with the word ‘woman’ in the title.” It felt awkward, a bit


Gendered Language and the Imago Dei

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When I was in fifth grade, my mom became the director of Christian Education at my home church. Consequently, before I learned to drive, I spent many hours at church waiting until it was time to go home. As it was before the age of smart phones – and because


God is a Dreamer, Too

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This reflection for common ground was written as a part of the Ignatian Solidarity Network’s Fall Call for Immigration Reform. Texts: Leviticus 25:23 Deuteronomy 10:17-19 Matthew 2:13-23 Our God is a dreamer. Joseph’s life has been turned upside down in the last few months. What seemed at first like his


Who is Marriage for Anyway?

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It seems like everyone’s got something to say about marriage. For a while, I thought it was just me. Having just tied the knot myself 2 months ago, marriage has been a recurring topic in recent conversations. “So how’s married life?” “What does your husband do?” “Are you all planning


The Fast that God Has Chosen

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Jones Town Baptist Church Lives the Isaiah 58 Ideal Wishing to cater to the whole family and the wider community, Rev. Doreen Wynter and her team at Jones Town Baptist (along with parent congregation Bethel Baptist) decided to think outside the box and transform an abandoned housing development lot into


A New Old Way: Reforming Church in Light of Solidarity

14 mins read

The Book of Acts paints a beautiful picture of the intensely radical vision and practice of the early church: a place where all were of one heart and spirit, and everyone shared what they had voluntarily. The rich sold their land and gave the proceeds to the common purse, the

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