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There is Such a Thing as Being Too Gentle

12 mins read

Watering down the LGBTQ/Q Apology Overture at GA222 I never thought “collateral damage” was a term I’d identify with as a church-lady. I was wrong. I was baptized as a young girl in a Presbyterian church that would become my family’s spiritual home for the next fifteen years. I remember

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Behind Closed Doors?: #50shadesofabuse

8 mins read

 With the film Fifty Shades of Grey hitting theaters, it’s time to speak up: Sexual violence is not entertainment. Originally published as an article in the Presbyterian News Service. I’ve had it. This time we cannot roll our eyes, snicker under our breath, or defer to that great US colloquialism: “What

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Silencing: Testimonials of the Exiled Christians

12 mins read

I’ve always loved telling my story. In college, my campus Christian group would pass out spiritual gifting inventories, and we’d take a test to help determine whether we had the gifts of prophesy, faith, teaching, healing, evangelism, service, etc. I never identified strongly with any of these gifts, so I

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The Cry of Tamar

15 mins read

Originally published here on May 8, 2013, as part of Rev. Marci Glass’ personal blog “Glass Overflowing.” Perhaps you read Elizabeth Smart’s comments on human trafficking recently. As a 14 year old kidnapping victim, she connected her feeling of worthlessness after her abduction and sexual abuse, with an abstinence lecture


Presbyterians Embrace a Table for All

8 mins read

This article was originally featured in Believe Out Loud. This past week, I have sat at the Table. Not just any table, but the Table of Christ, around which I have gathered since I was a child. This week, however, the Table looked different than I have ever imagined. It

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The General Assembly is Not God

8 mins read

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will soon make headlines, one way or another. The decisions we make at our 221st General Assembly will be reported across national media outlets through words loosely connected to what we actually experience together as a denominational family. (Prayers for you, reporters!) Amongst other decisions—some of

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