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The African Mzungo

Coming into my Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) year, I was no stranger to being the chocolate chip in the vanilla ice cream. All throughout my grade school years and college, I was the splash of color in a sea of

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From Bible Drill to Interdenominational Seminary

19 mins read

A Personal Faith Journey My favorite book as a child was called “I Like Sunday School.” It followed a little white girl who looked forward to learning about Jesus each week at church, just like me. I spent much of my childhood at church: memorizing Psalm 23 in Sunday School,

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Teaching ELL for Mutual Learning

15 mins read

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10b; NIV) The gospel reveals to us a Christ who is radical not only in who he approaches, but also – perhaps even more importantly – how he approached them. The most marginalized, the most

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Interview with Amy Wadsworth

6 mins read

Unbound: What is your role in the education system? Amy: I am a history teacher for grades 9-12. This year I am teaching a senior seminar, Government, Economics, US history, and World history. I have taught middle school geography, ancient history, and US history in the past as well as

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Interview with David Wigger

4 mins read

Unbound: What was your role in the education system? David: I taught at Horace Mann Elementary School in Washington, DC, for 2 years. I served first as a 2nd Grade assistant teacher, then as a 4th Grade long-term substitute (for a woman on maternity leave), and finally as a Pre-K-to-2nd-Grade

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Planting on Holy Ground

15 mins read

My Year as a YAV ‘Down Bayou’ Just over a year ago, I sat in a room full of eager Young Adult Volunteers (YAVs), taking in a very intense week of orientation to prepare us for a year of service. We spent that time talking about what it means to


Faith Generation Samuel

9 mins read

Called to Live in Intentional Communities? Samuel was sleeping in the shrine away from home, being taught by the old priest Eli, when God called him. Samuel is the one who heard God’s voice calling him in the night. Not Eli’s kids. The time described at the beginning of the

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The YAV Program: Lives Set on New ‘Routes’

2 mins read

The motto of the Young Adult Volunteer Program (YAV for short) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) reads, “A year of service for a lifetime of change.” The YAV Program is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church that has engaged and transformed the lives of young adults (Presbyterian and non-Presbyterian alike)

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Flashmobs of Reconciliation

5 mins read

My primary placement by the end of my year as a Young Adult Volunteer in Northern Ireland was with PeacePlayers International (PPI). PeacePlayers is an international organization that uses sports to bring children and youth together with a rich curriculum that explores diversity, stereotypes, and peace building. This dreary Thursday

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Roots, Privilege, and Solidarity

4 mins read

I have spent the majority of my life moving from place to place, settling in only to be uprooted soon thereafter. I guess you could say that my roots have never had a real chance to grow very deep – but with growth and maturity, I’ve come to value the

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The YAV Program Ruined My Life – For Good!

4 mins read

This is a joke that commonly gets tossed around by Young Adult Volunteer Alumni, but for me, it’s the truth. I had my life and career completely planned out in college – I was going to become a photojournalist and travel the world. So how is it that five years
