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Young Adult Volunteer - Page 3

The African Mzungo

Coming into my Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) year, I was no stranger to being the chocolate chip in the vanilla ice cream. All throughout my grade school years and college, I was the splash of color in a sea of

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Make Yourself at Home

10 mins read

“Make yourself at home.” This is a phrase we hear and utter often. What does the phrase mean? When a host says, “Make yourself at home,” does he or she literally mean for you to turn their home into yours? I have been a guest and a host many times

pelican by lauren wright

Wetlands Advocacy Art

2 mins read

Southern Louisiana Wildlife Paintings Artwork by Lauren Wright   View the entire Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue, “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith“   Lauren Wright graduated from Middle Tennessee State University with a degree in journalism with an emphasis on Media Design. Her education and passion for service led

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