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young adults - Page 15

I Am Racist and so is the Church

An Opening Editorial Yes, you read the title right. I am racist, and so is the majority-white denomination I serve, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). I’m not particularly happy to admit this about myself or my Church. True, I have never

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That All May Have Life in Fullness

4 mins read

The United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands – Young Adult Action Movement’s Child Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention Project Aware that the National Young Adults Action Movement (UCYAAM) was not having as much impact across the denomination as they wished, coordinators Rev. Sadekie Little-Forbes and Mrs. Janet McConnell


Breaking Strongholds Through Community Involvement

5 mins read

NERMC UCYAAM – A Voice in the Wilderness! The spirit of the Lord is upon me…to proclaim the [Good News] to those who have lost hope.” – Isaiah 61 (paraphrase) Imagine going to bed without the slightest thought of danger and waking up shortly after midnight to chaos, fire, and


The Table: A Safe Place

2 mins read

The Table is a community kitchen with a heart to serve the South Side community of Pittsburgh, PA. No ID or check-in is required. Just come as you are. We serve a free, hot meal from 5:30 to 6:30pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Everyone is welcome. Meals are provided by


The Imitation of Christ in the Poor

16 mins read

Encountering the Tzeltal Christ I grew up as a son, grandson, and great grandson of missionaries. My grand parents and great grandparents were Presbyterians serving in India, and my parents served all over the world with Mercy Ships and YWAM of missionaries. I witnessed poverty as a child, but usually


Listening is the First Step

12 mins read

I sat on the front porch of an hermano – a “brother” – from the small, Pentecostal-feeling Presbyterian church in a small town in the region of Uraba, Colombia. My sweaty legs stuck to the plastic chair, and I briefly wondered if the water used to make the lemonade I


The Gospel from Black Elk

2 mins read

[ezcol_1half] A Sermon Podcast Preached Sunday, August 4, 2013 at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community in Pittsburgh, PA Texts: Philippians 2:5-11 I Corinthians 9:19-23 In this sermon podcast, Jeff Brown, a Sociology major at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI, reflects on a trip he took with the Hot Metal


The Power of Presence

9 mins read

She, like many others, had asked me about her case. Her rights as a parent were in danger of being terminated, and she wanted to get into a housing program before her approaching hearing. I explained to her that I am not a social worker and offered to connect her


Gospel Solidarity: A Struggle of Love and Privilege

4 mins read

I hesitated when asked to participate with Unbound on this series, especially when our conversations and discernment led to sharing about “solidarity” from our faith contexts and life experiences. After a few minutes of excitedly batting around ideas with the editors, I stepped back and froze, realizing that I had

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