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young adults - Page 9

I Am Racist and so is the Church

An Opening Editorial Yes, you read the title right. I am racist, and so is the majority-white denomination I serve, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). I’m not particularly happy to admit this about myself or my Church. True, I have never

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“Selma, Lord, Selma”

10 mins read

From Admiration to Action Five children (4 girls and 1 boy, who departs in the opposite direction halfway down) are walking down steps of the 16th Street Baptist Church. They are discussing typical girlish things. “I got my hair pressed that morning, and it was wasted when I hit the

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Gender Equality is Just Freedom

11 mins read

A Concluding Editorial The practice of the General Editor and Managing Editor each doing an editorial for most issues goes back to when Patrick Heery was the Managing Editor. It was a way to highlight the generational differences on some topics. In this case, the gender difference may also be

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Left Wanting More

12 mins read

Touchdowns for Jesus and Domestic Violence in Big-Time Sports Read Marcia Mount Shoop’s response to this review here. If, as Calvin famously said, Scripture is the lens through which we see the world, then we’re each wearing a unique pair of frames. In her book Touchdowns for Jesus and Other Signs

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Silencing: Testimonials of the Exiled Christians

12 mins read

I’ve always loved telling my story. In college, my campus Christian group would pass out spiritual gifting inventories, and we’d take a test to help determine whether we had the gifts of prophesy, faith, teaching, healing, evangelism, service, etc. I never identified strongly with any of these gifts, so I

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Feminism as Evangelism

16 mins read

How Gender Justice Brought Me Back to the Church “I have always found it difficult to walk away from the church, but I have also found it difficult to walk with it.” [1] Those evocative words, the first sentence of feminist theologian Letty Russell’s formative work Church in the Round, are

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Childbearing Decisions, Fertility, and Faith

16 mins read

It’s no secret that the church loves babies. We love cooking meals for families with a newborn, and we coo over tiny infants in their white baptismal gowns. Our lectionaries are full of Bible stories recounting miraculous births. But what happens before a baby arrives – and before a baby

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Hearing the Voices of Peoples Long Silenced: Week 1

5 mins read

Gender Justice 2014 Stories That Need to Be Told: Opening Editorial, Rev. Ginna Bairby I am a somewhat-embarrassingly dyed-in-the-wool Presbyterian. I was baptized at a PC(USA) Church, where I attended worship, Sunday school, and various programmatic activities virtually every week from my baptism to my high school graduation. I spent

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Apocalypse How?

2 mins read

Climate Change, Eschatology, and Christian Responsibility Week 1 Homepage Between the Bang and the Whimper: Prophetic Hope in an Apocalyptic World, Rev. Ginna Bairby Climate of Conflict: A Trip to Examine the Root Causes of Social-Environmental Conflicts in Peru “The Creation Waits”: Fossil Fuel Divestment at the 221st GA, Megan M.

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