Chris Iosso

photo of the wall

Bethlehem—More Besieged than Ever

December 20, 2011, by Chris Iosso, A Christmas Editorial    When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we should also pray for Bethlehem. Most readers will know that the city is largely surrounded by a high cement wall. Israeli

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photo of Chris Iosso

Where is the Prince of Peace?

10 mins read

Peace Discernment After Newtown By Chris Iosso   If young men are princes, then few seem to have the Prince of Peace as their model. Every now and then one of these young men commits actual murder, as has just happened in a Newtown, CT, elementary school. Violence, which is

Separation Wall Graffiti, Photo by Madison Munoz

Boycott the Gaza Invasion this Thanksgiving

19 mins read

How not to shop while they drop—bombs By Chris Iosso, General Editor of Unbound   The grim truth about Israel’s current bombing of Gaza is that the U.S. government will do very little to limit the one-sided collective punishment or correct the claims that this pre-election military campaign by the


Sandy Voted

11 mins read

General Editor Chris Iosso prepares the way for Unbound’s upcoming environmental journal issue in this editorial, which argues that Hurricane Sandy “voted” in the 2012 election by dramatically redirecting our fears away from largely non-existent military enemies and toward a non-human threat that requires vision and cooperation: climate change. Citing

hands planting a tree

Caution and Commitment

13 mins read

The Why and Will We Questions First By Chris Iosso, Unbound General Editor   View and Print as PDF.   Who cares about the General Assembly and who cares about the denomination as an institution? Those questions are posed, often by those dissatisfied with the outcomes of particular votes, against

burning american flag

Seven Sins Against Democracy

23 mins read

What’s Faith Got To Do With It? An introduction to the series, “Sins Against Democracy,” drawing together some prominent thinkers and faith leaders to reflect on the threats to the effective and ethical functioning of our democracy in this current campaign season – and what our faith means for these

heidelberg catechism

What Difference Does One Word Make?

12 mins read

Usury or “Excessive Interest” in Heidelberg Catechism Question 110 By Rev. Chris Iosso (Ph.D.), presenting advice and guidance from Ray Foss   As a member of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Ray Foss has written and edited several short arguments challenging one word in the new translation of the Heidelberg Confession

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