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church in the public square - Page 3

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Justice as a Spiritual Practice

By Douglas Mitchell   Associate Pastor for “Faith in Action,” Douglas Mitchell conceived the following article as a presentation for a church adult education class and has adapted it here to propose that the ministry of social justice can in

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Storytelling and Political Leadership

45 mins read

Editor’s Note: The following article was originally published as the lead article in the September/October 2008 issue of The Progressive Christian and later appeared as the lead article in Faith & the Common Good: The Best of Zion’s Herald and The Progressive Christian, 200-2011, A Limited Collectors’ Edition (ed. Stephen


Social Witness of the Church: Commentary on Foothills Overture #1 (4-01)

12 mins read

This post was originally published as part of the Presbyterian Outlook’s coverage of the Foothills overtures at We live in times of tremendous cultural change. We also live in times of high anxiety as a church, having lost so many congregations over the past two years. During these times,

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More Baby Than Bath Water

16 mins read

Ruminations on Institutional Ecumenism Picture this: Gathered in the headquarters of a labor union are about 40 persons who want to make it easier for ex-felons to regain the vote as part of re-entering society. The participants’ average age is about 35. Almost half are ex-felons. The rest are from

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Pride, Fear, and the Future of the Church

14 mins read

Lessons from Harry Emerson Fosdick On May 21, 1922, Rev. Harry Emerson Fosdick climbed into the pulpit of First Presbyterian Church in New York City. It was a precarious time for the denomination. Congregations were battling each other. Members were chastising members. Conflict seemed the order of the day. The


The ‘Missional’ Church

17 mins read

Ark of Escape or Community of Reconciliation? When I teach the Reformed Confessions to students at Union Presbyterian Seminary, I like to point out that one of the benefits of belonging to our communion is belonging to a tradition with a dynamic understanding of confessionalism. Unlike the Lutheran tradition, which

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Faith Leaders Influencing the Debate on Drug Sentencing

10 mins read

Clergy and faith leaders are successfully flexing their political muscle with lawmakers in Washington, DC, to end mass incarceration. Last month the new chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), was confronted by three Iowa bishops — a United Methodist, a Catholic and a Lutheran — who

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The Prime Time Parade

12 mins read

Walking the Church/School Boundary It’s a daily parade. Every morning as the sun rises over Mount Rainier, children leave the back door of Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Tacoma and walk 2 blocks up I street to Lowell elementary school. The parade reverses direction in the afternoon. The 40 or so

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“Selma, Lord, Selma”

10 mins read

From Admiration to Action Five children (4 girls and 1 boy, who departs in the opposite direction halfway down) are walking down steps of the 16th Street Baptist Church. They are discussing typical girlish things. “I got my hair pressed that morning, and it was wasted when I hit the

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