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food justice - Page 2

The Table: A Safe Place

2 mins read

The Table is a community kitchen with a heart to serve the South Side community of Pittsburgh, PA. No ID or check-in is required. Just come as you are. We serve a free, hot meal from 5:30 to 6:30pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Everyone is welcome. Meals are provided by


Take the SNAP/Food Stamp Challenge!

2 mins read

From November 17-23, leaders and members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – including Linda Valentine, Gradye Parsons and Neal Presa – will be taking the SNAP Challenge and living for one week on the SNAP/Food Stamps weekly allowance for their respective states. In Kentucky, that means eating no more than


Does the Church Need to Build Alternative Economies?

18 mins read

“For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also.” -Luke 12:34 “Unfortunately, that is the cost of doing business in our world.” -A clergy colleague’s response to the church divesting from Wall Street In all my years in the Reformed church, I have been fascinated by our unexamined

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Action Alert: Food and Farm Policy Moving on Capitol Hill!

3 mins read

This week, both the Senate and the House of Representatives are making crucial steps to advance food and farm policy. Your voice is needed now: tell your members of Congress to enact a multi-year farm bill that alleviates hunger and malnutrition, supports vibrant farms and rural communities, and protects God’s

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