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Health and Harmony in Ecological Economics

20 mins read

Pathways to Sustainability Editor’s Note: The nature of recovery lies in the recovery of nature. With fires raging in the West and hurricanes hammering Texas and Florida, many of us wish our country were still trying to fulfill its Paris climate pledge, and not gutting the EPA or unleashing polluters.


To Dust You Shall Return

5 mins read

Climate Change and Christian Faith This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at Unbinding Creation: Children of Dust, Children of God, Ginna Bairby Climate change is a reality that simply cannot be denied any longer. 97% of scientists agree that the

eleanor bennett

Photography: Reinvention

2 mins read

  Photography by Eleanor Bennett   View the entire Nov 2012–Jan 2013 issue, “Hope for Eco-Activists: Discovering an Environmental Faith“   Eleanor Leonne Bennett is a 16 year old internationally award winning photographer and artist who has won first places with National Geographic,The World Photography Organisation, Nature’s Best Photography, Papworth

solar panels - capitol heights

VIDEO: Church Adds Solar Panels

1 min read

Capitol Heights Presbyterian Church, since its beginnings in 1896, has concerned itself with the social impact of living the Gospel of God. It has hosted local politicians of the City of Denver for dialogue, engaged in Sanctuary for Central American refugees, explored the injustices of the Near East, stood as

Photo of sleeping homeless man with open Bible

Testimony: World of Hurt, Word of Life

3 mins read

Renewing God’s Communion in the Work of Economic Reconstruction The Rev. Peter Nimmo presented this week the following testimony to the Social Justice Committee of the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)   My name is Rev. Peter Nimmo, representing the Church of Scotland. Our General Assembly of

a book opened before a globe

Church Appoints Theologian for Earth Stewardship

6 mins read

Theologian for Earth Stewardship Appointed at Montreat Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Local Initiative May Serve as National Model   Establishment of an “Earth Stewardship Theologian” position at Montreat Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in Montreat, North Carolina, marks a new milestone in the congregation’s growing Earth Ministry program. In announcing this step, the

Painting of hands holding a tree

Earth Care Lenten Devotional

4 mins read

Feasting on God’s Gifts; Fasting in Sorrow Brought to you by Presbyterians for Earth Care: An Eco-Justice Network Download the Lenten Devotional or check it out online! PEC Lenten Reflection 2012, Moderator’s Comments, by Diane Waddell We enter into Lent in gratitude for God’s graciousness. We are in awe of
