Chris Iosso

photo of the wall

Bethlehem—More Besieged than Ever

December 20, 2011, by Chris Iosso, A Christmas Editorial    When we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we should also pray for Bethlehem. Most readers will know that the city is largely surrounded by a high cement wall. Israeli

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Turkey: Six Important Dynamics for US Christians

13 mins read

Dr. Iosso was aided in this article by consultation with an academic from Turkey and expresses his thanks to that person and to all involved in Turkish civil society. Turkey is a country of 83 million people, bordering 8 other nations, poised between Europe and Asia and Europe and the


Amethyst Church

14 mins read

An Opening Editorial There is crystal meth, and there is a crystal against meth and all its intoxicating cousins: the amethyst. In Greek and Roman mythology, the god Dionysus or Bacchus repents of an act of intemperate anger that killed and then transformed a young woman to white stone by

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A 2014 Christmas Letter

3 mins read

Prayers for for Jerusalem, Gaza, Israel, the Greater Middle East…Iran….Pakistan… Cuba…North Korea…Nigeria…and our trouble spots in the US. This is not an article exactly, but nor is it a digital Christmas card. Let’s call it a Christmas letter. We do wish all our readers a Merry Christmas (or a Happy

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Gender Equality is Just Freedom

11 mins read

A Concluding Editorial The practice of the General Editor and Managing Editor each doing an editorial for most issues goes back to when Patrick Heery was the Managing Editor. It was a way to highlight the generational differences on some topics. In this case, the gender difference may also be

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