
Second Great Depression or Second New Deal?

6 mins read

The Coronavirus economy demands swift and thorough action beyond the actions taken in the last financial crisis. Economists agree that we are heading into a coronavirus-induced recession. Optimists argue that the economy might bounce back once the health crisis is resolved. But if Covid-19’s course through the United States takes


Morality and the Administration’s Proposed Budget

6 mins read

The Administration has just submitted its budget proposal to Congress. Months of negotiation and compromises will follow. The proposal in itself deserves moral evaluation. Every budget-- whether it is that of a business, a family, or a church-- contains many moral decisions. All human social creations


The Gun Epidemic

3 mins read

It was very disheartening for me to learn that so-called Christians keep and even carry guns in the USA. In reading about people taking guns to shop in stores, to work, school, and church, one has to wonder why? Fear is a very powerful force but something more insidious has


But for the Grace of God

8 mins read

We arrive at Apartment 309 breathless from the sprint up two flights of stairs, carrying our full complement of equipment: the 40-pound backpack with an oxygen tank and one of every item we might conceivably need on a call; the 50-pound cardiac monitor; and the 10-pound tackle box containing the


The Solution to Homelessness is a Conversion Experience

10 mins read

Many good-hearted people of faith are at the forefront of the fight against homelessness in the United States. In fact, without the involvement of religious communities, few if any resources for neighbors struggling with homeless would exist. Soup kitchens, overnight shelters, daytime resource centers, treatment programs, and permanent housing are

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