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church in the public square - Page 4

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Justice as a Spiritual Practice

By Douglas Mitchell   Associate Pastor for “Faith in Action,” Douglas Mitchell conceived the following article as a presentation for a church adult education class and has adapted it here to propose that the ministry of social justice can in

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Who Really Cares About Drones? This Presbyterian Does!

9 mins read

Editor’s Note: A few months ago, Presbyterian blogger Jan Edmiston wrote a post on her blog,, entitled “Denominational Political Stands (& Who Really Cares?).” Edmiston raised an honest and important question, one that is perhaps especially on our mind as we move toward another General Assembly: Why do we

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Why in the World Are Presbyterians Taking A Stand on Drones When Nobody Cares and We Won’t All Agree?

12 mins read

A Response to Jan Edmiston Editor’s Note: A few months ago, Presbyterian blogger Jan Edmiston wrote a post on her blog,, entitled “Denominational Political Stands (& Who Really Cares?).” Edmiston raised an honest and important question, one that is perhaps especially on our mind as we move toward another


Giving Health Reform a Chance to Work

11 mins read

Increasing Access to Health and Wellness While most of the recent coverage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), more commonly referred to as “Obamacare,” has been negative, these news stories fail to tell a complete story. There is no doubt the Obama Administration has made some serious errors in the


How Our Church’s Witness for a Just Peace Strengthened Our Relationships Within the Jewish Community

14 mins read

These days, it’s common to hear the “conventional wisdom” that Presbyterian churches should be wary of taking bold public action on behalf of a just peace in Israel-Palestine. Why? Because, as the caution runs, it will damage long-running and hard-won interfaith partnerships with our Jewish friends and colleagues. According to

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