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gender justice - Page 8

Divine Particularity

12 mins read

Along with the invitation to write this article about gender justice in the new PC(USA) hymnal, Glory to God, I received a list of relevant hymns. My first reaction was, “Wow, that is a whole lot of hymns with the word ‘woman’ in the title.” It felt awkward, a bit


Gendered Language and the Imago Dei

13 mins read

When I was in fifth grade, my mom became the director of Christian Education at my home church. Consequently, before I learned to drive, I spent many hours at church waiting until it was time to go home. As it was before the age of smart phones – and because


10 Things the LGBTQ Community Can Teach the Church

14 mins read

Over the course of my life, I have observed and participated in the ongoing fight for inclusion of people who are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer in the church. In recent years, significant strides have been made in several denominations, including the eradication of official barriers that have previously


God Loves You…Really

10 mins read

The author of this article has asked to remain anonymous so that the prejudice of others does not blind them to seeing her gifts for ministry during her process of preparation and ordination. Let us take this as a reminder that in many places and situations, it is still not


Waiting for Permission

6 mins read

It took me a very long time to allow myself the mental space to think that I might be transgender. I tried for years to ignore the pain associated with moving in the world when everyone saw me as a girl. Even when I did let myself think about what


Who is Marriage for Anyway?

14 mins read

It seems like everyone’s got something to say about marriage. For a while, I thought it was just me. Having just tied the knot myself 2 months ago, marriage has been a recurring topic in recent conversations. “So how’s married life?” “What does your husband do?” “Are you all planning

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Worship Resources for Domestic Violence Awareness Sunday

4 mins read

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and this Sunday, October 13th, is Domestic Violence Awareness Sunday in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We at Unbound, would like to offer an extensive (but by no means comprehensive!) supply of resources for pastors and parishioners alike to use in worship, Christian education, pastoral


Advocacy Across Borders

9 mins read

In August 2011, the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico (NPCM) voted not only to sustain its policy of forbidding the ordination of women as pastors, but also to deny women access to other orders of ministry (elder and deacon) and to repeal the ordinations of those women who had already

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