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Racial Justice - Page 12

Settling In, Putting Down Roots

12 mins read

Moving to a new city is no easy feat. I’ve done it twice in my life thus far, and I wouldn’t wish the difficulty of moving and getting settled in a new city on anyone! Many people find themselves moving to a new city because of happy, exciting changes in their


The African Mzungo

8 mins read

Coming into my Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) year, I was no stranger to being the chocolate chip in the vanilla ice cream. All throughout my grade school years and college, I was the splash of color in a sea of white faces. So when I arrived at Stony Point, New


The Power of Bias

13 mins read

More than five years ago, I helped conduct an exercise with a large, diverse group of public transportation drivers. Each participant was given the same set of cards with one word typed clearly on each. They read: Asian, Middle Eastern, African-American, Hispanic,  – etc. The group was instructed to listen to a

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