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church in the public square - Page 5

electric graphic of the word joy

Justice as a Spiritual Practice

By Douglas Mitchell   Associate Pastor for “Faith in Action,” Douglas Mitchell conceived the following article as a presentation for a church adult education class and has adapted it here to propose that the ministry of social justice can in

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That All May Have Life in Fullness

4 mins read

The United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands – Young Adult Action Movement’s Child Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention Project Aware that the National Young Adults Action Movement (UCYAAM) was not having as much impact across the denomination as they wished, coordinators Rev. Sadekie Little-Forbes and Mrs. Janet McConnell


Breaking Strongholds Through Community Involvement

5 mins read

NERMC UCYAAM – A Voice in the Wilderness! The spirit of the Lord is upon me…to proclaim the [Good News] to those who have lost hope.” – Isaiah 61 (paraphrase) Imagine going to bed without the slightest thought of danger and waking up shortly after midnight to chaos, fire, and


The Fast that God Has Chosen

3 mins read

Jones Town Baptist Church Lives the Isaiah 58 Ideal Wishing to cater to the whole family and the wider community, Rev. Doreen Wynter and her team at Jones Town Baptist (along with parent congregation Bethel Baptist) decided to think outside the box and transform an abandoned housing development lot into


Introduction: To the Least of These…

3 mins read

Have you ever had a moment where you wondered ‘What am I here for?’ or tried to figure out how your congregation (or entire denomination) could better connect with the surrounding community? Maybe you even quit your job, closed your business, made plans to move to another country hoping to


A New Old Way: Reforming Church in Light of Solidarity

14 mins read

The Book of Acts paints a beautiful picture of the intensely radical vision and practice of the early church: a place where all were of one heart and spirit, and everyone shared what they had voluntarily. The rich sold their land and gave the proceeds to the common purse, the


The Table: A Safe Place

2 mins read

The Table is a community kitchen with a heart to serve the South Side community of Pittsburgh, PA. No ID or check-in is required. Just come as you are. We serve a free, hot meal from 5:30 to 6:30pm every Tuesday and Thursday. Everyone is welcome. Meals are provided by

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