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Office of Public Witness - Page 3

Faith Leaders Influencing the Debate on Drug Sentencing

Clergy and faith leaders are successfully flexing their political muscle with lawmakers in Washington, DC, to end mass incarceration. Last month the new chairman of the Senate’s Judiciary Committee, Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), was confronted by three Iowa bishops —

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Tabitha Bartelme

College Campus Begins HIV Testing and Counseling

6 mins read

Mental health counselor takes lessons learned from “AIDS Competent Churches and Church Leaders” certification and starts the University of Dubuque’s first official HIV/AIDS education, testing, and counseling program. The following is the second article of a February 7–March 7, 2013, series of reflections from Johnson C. Smith’s first annual HIV

j. herbert nelson press conference

God is Love: Statement on Gun Violence

11 mins read

Special Statement for Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday This statement was delivered by Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson at a press conference held in Washington, DC, on January 15, 2013. Religious leaders and Faith Against Gun Violence came together to press for tighter gun regulations to stop gun violence in

mining protest in peru

Glimpses of Environmental Justice

26 mins read

Brief interviews on the relationship between environmental justice and issues like the Keystone XL Pipeline, a U.S. based smelter in Peru (a protest of which is pictured above), the Chad-Cameroon Pipeline, fracking, and destruction along the coast of Louisiana. By Rebecca Barnes-Davies, Associate for Environmental Ministries (PCUSA), with Leslie Woods,

photo of J. Herbert Nelson

Healing a Flawed Electoral System

1 min read

Chris­t­ian Respon­si­bil­ity and Lessons from 2012 Healing A Flawed Electoral System from ACSWP on Vimeo. Video Produced by: the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy About: “Healing a Flawed Electoral System: Christian Responsibility and Lessons from 2012” is a 17+ minute video features the Rev. J. Herbert Nelson, Director of

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