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Advent Justice Reflections (Year C)

This resource for worship or study is freely available for use and adaptation. Please remember to give us a shoutout! A Printing-friendly pdf of these reflections is available HERE (7 two-sided pages).  Note from the Editors Though Advent is a season

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And Who Is My Neighbor?

15 mins read

To begin, let us introduce ourselves. We are a newly wed 29-going-on-30, couple; my wife is a final-year seminary student preparing for ordination, and I am a Bachelor of Arts working at a job that strikes a balance between a living wage, quality of life, and benefits. If you were


Week 1: Healthcare and Christian Ethics

2 mins read

And Who Is My Neighbor?, James and Rachel Shepherd To begin, let us introduce ourselves. We are a newly wed 29-going-on-30, couple; my wife is a final-year seminary student preparing for ordination, and I am a Bachelor of Arts working at a job that strikes a balance between a living wage,


To Dust You Shall Return

5 mins read

Climate Change and Christian Faith This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at Unbinding Creation: Children of Dust, Children of God, Ginna Bairby Climate change is a reality that simply cannot be denied any longer. 97% of scientists agree that the


Worship Resources for Presidents’ Day

3 mins read

Resources available courtesy of Rev. Teresa Stricklen from the PC(USA) Office of Theology and Worship. “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone, for kings and all who are in high positions, so that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and


Unbinding Creation: Children of Dust, Children of God

15 mins read

This week’s mini-series is a collaborative effort with Ecclesio. Check out these and other articles at Climate change is a reality that simply cannot be denied any longer. 97% of scientists agree that the changes in earth’s temperatures and weather patterns are caused by human action. Even if we


Resources for Human Trafficking Awareness Day

13 mins read

This Saturday, January 11, is Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Human trafficking is modern-day slavery – the recruitment, harboring, transporting, providing or obtaining by any means any person for forced labor, slavery or servitude in any industry or site such as agriculture, construction, prostitution, manufacturing, begging, domestic service or marriage. The

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