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stones, photo by Radoslaw Piekarz

Throwing Stones: A Sermon about Domestic Violence

The following sermon is an excerpt from Shook Foil Books Young Preachers Compilation, a collection of twenty thoughtful sermons from young (under forty-years-old) church leaders. Springing from a diverse array of ministry contexts, these sermons reveal the strength, creativity, and

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Principalities and Powers

8 mins read

Originally Published August 10, 2016 at Regardless of possible calamities with the fall elections, the two part series in the NY Times this week makes clear who’s in charge. It’s the Brookings Institute, or the American Enterprise Institute, or the Center for International Studies, etc. Two of them are


Christ, Culture, and a Broken Democracy

27 mins read

We are in the midst of a strange election season, to say the least. I have heard more people say, “I’m just not voting,” or “I don’t have anyone to vote for,” in this election than in any other in my lifetime. In an extremely polarized society, perhaps the one


Why the Election Debates Are So Frustrating

18 mins read

(Because Real Discourse Requires…) The September 6 issue of The New York Times featured an Op Ed article by David Brooks who exposed Donald Trump’s mis, dis, and simply false information about the effects of immigration on American life. But David had begun his article with something generic and anterior


God’s Language

16 mins read

A Pentecost Sermon Preached May 15, 2016 Texts: Genesis 11:1-9, Acts 2:1-21 In the story of the Tower of Babel, humanity has come together under a single vision. They speak only one language. They are powerful and ambitious. Their goal is to build a glittering monoculture symbolized by a great


“Be Sober, Be Watchful”: Activism and Public Discourse

18 mins read

The Potential Long-Term Effects of our Discourse this Election Season A version of this article was originally published at To absolutely no one’s surprise, election season is upon us again. Admittedly, it’d be hard for anyone to miss the circus surrounding this year’s historic presidential election. Its coverage in


When Just War is Just Not Working

15 mins read

Discerning Peace in the 21st Century – Part I We sat in a circle, our chairs so close that our knees touched and the conversation felt intimate. Following the order of lectio divina, we were sharing first scripture readings followed by silence and prayer, then a word or phrase, and

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