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Advent Justice Reflections (Year C)

This resource for worship or study is freely available for use and adaptation. Please remember to give us a shoutout! A Printing-friendly pdf of these reflections is available HERE (7 two-sided pages).  Note from the Editors Though Advent is a season

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Advent Justice Reflections (Year C)

26 mins read

This resource for worship or study is freely available for use and adaptation. Please remember to give us a shoutout! A Printing-friendly pdf of these reflections is available HERE (7 two-sided pages).  Note from the Editors Though Advent is a season chock-full of worship and devotional resources, few Advent devotionals are


When Immigrants Give Thanks

12 mins read

Seeking Honesty at Thanksgiving For many Americans, the word “Thanksgiving” brings warm feelings of family, of food, and of altogether unqualified enjoyment. It is a time when it seems we can put the worries of the world on the shelf, simply celebrating life, love, and community. Growing up, we are


As Close as our Very Breath

15 mins read

A Sermon for Those Who Feel Afraid Text: John 20:19-25 Ask a scholar about the word “breathe” and she will tell you that this is the only place in the entire New Testament where this word shows up. Surely they breathed more than once back then, but maybe they didn’t


A Presbyterian Affirmation for Election Day

3 mins read

The Voice of a Congregation on Faith & Politics: Nauraushaun Presbyterian Church, Pearl River, NY In the brief statement that follows, a congregation first lifts up key values—not policies or positions—and then calls out divisive rhetoric. They go to scriptural themes and the Book of Confessions. We would note the


The Persistence of Trauma and the Power of Belief

12 mins read

“I believe you.” We should never underestimate the power of these words. What’s more, God calls us, as people of faith, to speak these words in our relationships and our larger communities. Though voiced aloud, the words “I believe you” are not solely a verbal statement. They represent a posture

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